
Configure Filedrop


Notes: New API

Description : Activates, or deactivates, a folder as a file drop. Alternatively, updates the folder's file drop configuration.

Required Parameters:

  • action : The action to be performed. enable(creates or updates a file drop) or disable (disables a file drop).
  • session_token : A type 1 or type 2 session token. (Type 2 will require a call signature).

Relative Parameters:

  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.
  • folder_key : The destination folderkey. Required if folder_path is not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path. myfiles may be passed as a moniker for device 0's(cloud) root.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single destination folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.

Optional Parameters:

  • allow_description : Whether or not file descriptions will be allowed during upload. no(default) or yes.
  • allow_multiple_uploads : Whether or not multiple file uploads will be permitted on File Drop. no(default) or yes.
  • embed_size : Width of File Drop in its embedded form. 480(default) or full.
  • message : File drop title, up to 90 characters in length.
  • notification_emails : Whether or not email notifications will be sent on file uploads. no or yes(default).
  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')



Description : Copies a session user's folder and its children to a target destination.

Required Parameters:

Relative Parameters:

  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.
  • folder_key_src : The folderkey source is the folderkey of the desired folder you wish to copy. You can also specify multiple folderkeys separated by commas. folder_path_src is not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path_src.
  • folder_path_src : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key_src is not passed.

Optional Parameters:

  • folder_key_dst : The folderkey destination is the folderkey of the desired folder you wish to copy folder(s) to. Takes precedence over folder_path_dst. If folder_key_dst and folder_path_dst are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used. Alternatively, 'myfiles' may be passed as a moniker for root.
  • folder_path_dst : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. If folder_key_dst and folder_path_dst are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used.
  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
asynchronous Specifies whether the restore is being processed asynchronously. If yes, poll device/get_status to determine when the job is complete flag yes, no
new_folderkeys The new folderkey that was created if folder_path_dst was used and the destination path did not previously exist string
error The numerical error code integer 112, 114, 259
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
new_device_revision The revision number of the device. Returned only when the revision number has changed. integer
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 flag yes, no
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder owned by session user, folder_key_src, and folder_path_dst):

   action: folder/copy,
   asynchronous: no,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,
   new_device_revision: 162725,

Example 2 (Success with XML - public folder not owned by session and folder_key_dst):


Example 3 (Failure with JSON - Error 114 with private folder not owned by or shared to session user):

   action: folder/copy,
   message: Access denied,
   error: 114,
   result: Error,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,



Notes: Removed deprecated folder folderkey.

Description: Creates a folder in a specified target destination.

Required Parameters:

Relative Parameters:

  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • parent_key : The destination folder key. If parent_key and parent_path are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used. Takes precedence over parent_path. Alternatively, myfiles may be passed as a moniker for device 0's(cloud) root.
  • parent_path : The absolute path to a single destination folder in the session user's account. If parent_key and parent_path are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used.
  • action_on_duplicate : Specifies the action to take when the folder preexists, by name, in the destination. skip(ignore the create), keep(append a number to the new folder's name)(default), replace(returns the information for the preexisting folder).
  • mtime : The creation date of the added folder. If not set, current server time will be used. Refer to the following document for valid date & time formats:
  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
folder_key The ID for the newly created folder string
parent_folderkey The ID key of the folder containing the newly created folder. Not returned when the parent folder is device 0's(cloud) root string
name The name of the newly created folder string
description The description for the newly created folder string
created The date and time the new folder was created string timestamp
privacy Indicates the privacy of the newly created folder. 'public' or 'private' string
file_count The amount of files contained in the newly created folder integer
folder_count The amount of folders contained in the newly created folder integer
revision The revision number of the newly created folder integer
dropbox_enabled Indicates if the newly created folder is a FileDrop. 'yes' or 'no' flag yes, no
flag A bitmask value specifying special details about a folder. bitmask '1' = 'Folder is owned by the session user'. Other bits not documented are internal MediaFire notations.
permissions An array of permission objects object []
permissions --> value The specific permission level the user has to the folder integer 1(read), 2(read+write), 4(manage)[NOT IN USE]
permissions --> explicit Specifies whether the folder owner granted the permission flag yes, no
permissions --> read Specifies whether the user has read access to the folder flag yes, no
permissions --> write Specifies whether the user has write access to the folder flag yes, no
upload_key The upload key of the newly created folder string
error The numerical error code integer 114, 185, 259
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
new_device_revision The revision number of the device. Returned only when the revision number has changed. integer
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 flag yes, no
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - parent_key):

   action: folder/create,
   parent_folderkey: rfoh06y8w3amg,
   name: Test 101,
   description: ,
   created: 2015-05-11 13:13:17,
   created_utc: 2015-05-11T18:13:17Z,
   privacy: public,
   file_count: 0,
   folder_count: 0,
   revision: 162727,
   dropbox_enabled: no,
   flag: 2,
   upload_key: ba860a9208913ce508d8a638a7d1bbf7cf3f8198e07a7426ce9353ceb18462a4,
   folder_key: ih5qo0ia9lhsy,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,
   new_device_revision: 162727,

Example 2 (Success with XML - parent_path, action_on_duplicate=skip, folder exists, by name, in destination):


Example 3 (Success with JSON - parent_path and action_on_duplicate=keep and folder exists, by name, in destination):

   action: folder/create,
   parent_folderkey: rfoh06y8w3amg,
   name: Test 101(2),
   description: ,
   created: 2015-05-11 13:17:53,
   created_utc: 2015-05-11T18:17:53Z,
   privacy: public,
   file_count: 0,
   folder_count: 0,
   revision: 162728,
   dropbox_enabled: no,
   flag: 2,
   upload_key: ba860a9208913ce508d8a638a7d1bbf7f08d1935ea6a12596c85d6b625a9f36f,
   folder_key: 1fprh0r43doqa,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,
   new_device_revision: 162728,

Example 4 (Success with XML - parent_key not owned by session user and having edit permissions and action_on_duplicate=replace and folder exists, by name, in destination):
<name>Test 001</name>
<created>2015-05-11 13:19:12</created>

Example 5 (Failure with XML - Error 114 with parent_key not owned by session user and lacking edit permissions):




Description: Deletes one or more session user's folders by setting the folders' and their contents' delete_date properties and moving the folders and their contents to the trash can. The folder is not deleted permanently but, rather, the folder is moved to the trash can.

Required Parameters:

Relative Parameters:

  • folder_key : The key that identifies the folder to be deleted. You can also specify multiple folderkeys separated by commas. Required if folder_path is not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.
  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
asynchronous Specifies whether the restore is being processed asynchronously. If yes, poll device/get_status to determine when the job is complete flag yes/no
new_folderkey The new folderkey string
error The numerical error code integer 114, 259
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
new_device_revision The revision number of the device. Returned only when the revision number has changed. integer
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder_path):

   action: folder/delete,
   asynchronous: no,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,
   new_device_revision: 162729,

Example 2 (Success with XML - folder_key not owned by session user and having edit permissions):


Example 3 (Failure with XML - Error 114 with folder_key not owned by session user and lacking edit permissions):

<message>Access denied</message>

Get Content


Notes: New response property revision for target folder.

Description: Returns a collection of top-level folders or files for target folder.

Required Parameters:

  • none

Relative Parameters:
  • folder_key : A folder key. If folder_key and folder_path are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used. Required if session_token and folder_path are not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path. myfiles may be passed as a moniker for device 0's(cloud) root.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.
  • session_token : A type 1 or type 2 session token. (Type 2 will require a call signature).
  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • content_type : Specifies the type of content to return. folders(default) or files.
  • filter : Filter by privacy and/or by filetype. This is a comma-separated list of file types and privacy options and can take one or more of the following values : "public", "private", "image", "video", "audio", "document", "spreadsheet", "presentation", "application", "archive", "data", and "development". If content_type is 'folders', only 'public' and 'private' filters are honored.
  • device_id : An integer specifying on which user device to look for data. If not passed, device 0's(cloud) is used.
  • order_by : 'name', 'created', 'size', 'downloads' (default 'name'). In case of requesting folders, only 'name' and 'created' are considered; anything else will default to 'name'.
  • order_direction : Specifies the sort order of the results. asc(default) or desc.
  • chunk : Specifies which segment of the results to return starting from 1. Repeat calls to this API, incrementing chunk on each call, to obtain all the result data.
  • chunk_size: The number of items to include in each chunk returned. Range: 100 to 1000. Default: 100.
  • details : Specifies additional folder information to return in the results. If content_type=files this parameter is ignored. folder_count and file_count are always returned and represent the count of folders and files, non-recursive, inside a folder. details=yes adds total_files, total_folders, and total_size to the results which represent the counts of all the folders and files, recursive, inside a folder. There is a limit on how many items will be recursively counted and, when reached, an extra property, overflow, will be returned. details=shallow adds byte_count to the results which represents the total bytes of all files, non-recursive, in a folder. no(default), yes or shallow.
  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
chunk_size The number of items returned in a single chunk.
content_type The type of content requested string folders/files
chunk_number The chunk number
more_chunks Indicates whether more chunks are available: 'yes' or 'no' yes, no flag
error The numerical error code integer 114
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
new_device_revision The revision number of the device. Returned only when the revision number has changed. integer
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 yes, no flag
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string

Response for Files Contained Within Folder
Name Description Type Value
quickkey The quickey of the file inside the requested folder
hash The hash of the file
filename The file name
description The file description
size The file size
privacy The privacy of the file. 'public' or 'private'
created The date the file was created
password_protected Indicates if the file is password protected: 'yes' or 'no' [DEPRECATED] flag yes, no
mimetype The mimetype of the file
filetype The file type application, archive, audio, development, data, document, image, presentation, spreadsheet, video
view Specifies if this file is viewable via MediaFire and, if so, by what system. 0 [not-viewable], 1 [PDF Viewer], 2 [PDF Viewer], 3 [deprecated]. 0(Not Viewable, 1(PDF2HTMLex), 2(Syntax Highlighting), 3(PHP Excel), 4(AbiWord), 5(PDF2HTMLex with GS PDF Split), 6(PlainText), 7(Image Gallery), 9(JPlayer Audio), 10(JPlayer Audio with Transcode), 11(JPlayer Video), 12(JPlayer Video with Transcode)
edit Specifies if this file can be edited via MediaFire and, if so, by what system. 0 [not-editable], 1 [Text Editor], 2 [deprecated].
revision The file revision
flag Information about the file bitmask 1(File is owned by the session user), 2:(File is supported for preview), 4(File is editable) 8(File is virus flagged)
permissions An array of permission objects object []
permissions --> value The specific permission level the user has to the folder integer 1(read), 2(read+write), 4(manage)[NOT IN USE]
permissions --> explicit Specifies whether the folder owner granted the permission flag yes, no
permissions --> read Specifies whether the user has read access to the folder flag yes, no
permissions --> write Specifies whether the user has write access to the folder flag yes, no
downloads The amount of times the file has been downloaded
views The amount of times the file has been viewed

Link Information
Name Description Type Value
view The view link of the file (if applicable)
read The read only link of the file (if applicable)
edit The edit link of the file (if applicable)
watch A link to watch the file (if video)
listen A link to listen to the file (if audio)
normal_download The normal download link of the file
direct_download The direct download link of the file
streaming The streaming link of the file (if applicable)
download The download link of the file

One-time Link Information
Name Description Type Value
download A one-time link to download the file
view A one-time link to view the file (if applicable)
watch A one-time link to watch the file (if video)
listen A one-time link to listen to the file (if audio)

Response for a Folder Contained Within the Folder
Name Description Type Value
folderkey The folderkey of the folder string
name The name of the folder string
description The description of the folder string
privacy The security setting for the folder string private/public
created The date and time the folder was created string timestamp
revision The revision number of the folder integer
file_count The amount of files within the folder integer
folder_count The amount of folders within the folder integer
dropbox_enabled Indicates if the folder is FileDrop enabled flag yes, no
flag The bitmask value specifying special details about a file bitmask '1' = File is owned by the session user

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder_path, content_type=folders, and details=no):

   action: folder/get_content,
   asynchronous: no,
      chunk_size: 100,
      content_type: folders,
      chunk_number: 1,
            folderkey: 21a1ht4gm4144,
            name: Photos,
            description: ,
            privacy: public,
            created: 2015-05-11 12:49:02,
            revision: 162726,
            flag: 2,
            file_count: 12,
            folder_count: 1,
            dropbox_enabled: no,
            created_utc: 2015-05-11T17:49:02Z,
            folderkey: 1fprh0r43doqa,
            name: Test 101(2),
            description: ,
            privacy: public,
            created: 2015-05-11 13:17:53,
            revision: 162728,
            flag: 2,
            file_count: 5,
            folder_count: 1,
            dropbox_enabled: no,
            created_utc: 2015-05-11T18:17:53Z,
      more_chunks: no,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 2 (Success with XML - folder_key, content_type=folders, and details=yes):

         <name>Test 002-001</name>
         <created>2015-04-29 13:57:24</created>
         <name>Test 002-002</name>
         <created>2015-04-29 13:57:30</created>

Example 3 (Success with JSON - folder_path, content_type=folders, and details=shallow):

   action: folder/get_content,
   asynchronous: no,
      chunk_size: 100,
      content_type: folders,
      chunk_number: 1,
            folderkey: 21a1ht4gm4144,
            name: Photos,
            description: ,
            privacy: public,
            created: 2015-05-11 12:49:02,
            revision: 162726,
            flag: 2,
            file_count: 12,
            folder_count: 1,
            dropbox_enabled: no,
            byte_count: 36824767,
            created_utc: 2015-05-11T17:49:02Z,
            folderkey: 1fprh0r43doqa,
            name: Test 101(2),
            description: ,
            privacy: public,
            created: 2015-05-11 13:17:53,
            revision: 162728,
            flag: 2,
            file_count: 5,
            folder_count: 1,
            dropbox_enabled: no,
            byte_count: ,
            created_utc: 2015-05-11T18:17:53Z,
      more_chunks: no,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 4 (Success with XML - folder_key not owned by but shared to session user and content_type=files):

         <filename>Getting Started with Images.pdf</filename>
         <created>2014-09-16 15:00:47</created>
         <filename>Sample - Koh Ngai.jpg</filename>
         <description>Koh Ngai Explored by Darren Johnson</description>
         <created>2014-09-16 15:00:47</created>

Example 5 (Success with JSON - content_type=files and public folder_key not owned by or shared to session user with one public file not shared to session user):

   action: folder/get_content,
   asynchronous: no,
      chunk_size: 100,
      content_type: files,
      chunk_number: 1,
            quickkey: ppdbpa58mq0lhym,
            hash: b50a655b35c02eaf5683c255d8f6e938b783e164c7b227ce397639ecdc221093,
            filename: Sample - The M Machine - Tiny Anthem.mp4,
            description: ,
            size: 36431235,
            privacy: public,
            created: 2014-09-16 15:00:48,
            password_protected: no,
            mimetype: video/mp4,
            filetype: video,
            view: 5,
            edit: 0,
            revision: 1133,
            flag: 4,
            created_utc: 2014-09-16T20:00:48Z,
      more_chunks: no,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 6 (Failure with XML - Error 114 private folder_key not owned by or shared to session user):

<message>Access denied</message>

Get Depth


Description: Specifies how deep in the folder structure, how far from root, the target folder is. The number of levels deep is returned with a list of "chain folders" which illustrate the direct path from root to the target folder.

Required Parameters:

  • session_token : A type 1 or type 2 session token. (Type 2 will require a call signature).
  • folder_key : The key that identifies the folder to be deleted. You can also specify multiple folderkeys separated by commas. Required if folder_path is not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.

Relative Parameters:

  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
folderkey The folderkey for the newly created folder string
name The name of the newly created folder string
depth The numerical distance of the specified folder from the root folder integer
chain_folders A collection of folders, starting with the specified folder, linking back to root object
error The numerical error code integer 259
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 yes/no flag
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder_path):

   action: folder/get_depth,
      depth: 3,
            folderkey: 1fprh0r43doqa,
            name: Test 101(2),
            folderkey: rfoh06y8w3amg,
            name: Test 001,
            folderkey: dwr4tgrn9vsd0,
            name: Stay,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 2 (Success with XML - public folder_key not owned by or shared to session user):

         <name>Test 001</name>

Get Info


Description : Returns a list of a folder's details.

Required Parameters:

  • none

Relative Parameters:

  • folder_key : A comma-separated list of folder keys. If folder_key and folder_path are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used. Required if session_token and folder_path are not passed. myfiles may be passed as a moniker for device 0's(cloud) root.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.
  • session_token : A type 1 or type 2 session token. (Type 2 will require a call signature).
  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • device_id : An integer specifying on which user device to look for data. If not passed, device 0(cloud) is used.
  • details : Specifies additional folder information to return in the results. If content_type=files this parameter is ignored. folder_count and file_count are always returned and represent the counts of folders and files, non-recursive, inside a folder. details=yes adds total_files, total_folders, and total_size to the results which represent the counts of all the folders and files, recursive, inside a folder. There is a limit on how many items will be recursively counted and, when reached, an extra property, overflow, will be returned. details=shallow adds byte_count to the results which represents the total bytes of all files, non-recursive, in a folder. no(default), yes or shallow.
  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or 'Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 flag yes/no
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string
folderkey The folderkey string
parent_folderkey The ID key of the folder containing this folder. Not returned when the parent folder is device 0's(cloud) root string
name The name of the folder string
description The folder description string
created The date and time the folder was created string timestamp
tag deprecated string
privacy The security of the file. 'public' or 'private' string public, private
file_count The amount of files contained in the folder integer
folder_count The amount of folders in the folder integer
total_files The total amount of files contained within the folder and subfolders integer
total_folders The total amount of folders contained within the folder and subfolders integer
total_size The total folder size in bytes integer
byte_count The size of the folder incorporating only immediate content files integer
revision The revision number of the folder integer
dropbox_enabled Indicated whether the folder is a FileDrop. 'yes' or 'no' flag yes/no
flag A bit-mask value specifying special details about the folder or file bitmask 1 (File is owned by the session user), 2 (File is supported for preview), 4 (File is editable), 8 (File is virus flagged) [Flags not listed are for internal MediaFire operations and not public use]
owner_name The owner of the folder string
avatar The location of the avatar associated with the account string
shared_by_user Specifies whether the folder's owner has shared it to a contact string 0 (no), 1 (yes)
permissions An array of permission objects object []
permissions --> value The specific permission level the user has to the folder integer 1(read), 2(read+write), 4(manage)[NOT IN USE]
permissions --> explicit Specifies whether the folder owner granted the permission flag yes, no
permissions --> read Specifies whether the user has read access to the folder flag yes, no
permissions --> write Specifies whether the user has write access to the folder flag yes, no
delete_date The date and time the file was moved to the Trash (if applicable). string timestamp
error The numerical error code integer 114
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 yes/no flag
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder_path & details=no):

   action: folder/get_info,
      folderkey: djwm42qh425ze,
      parent_folderkey: b5brfb1s16fr0,
      name: Test 001,
      description: ,
      created: 2015-04-28 16:29:05,
      privacy: public,
      file_count: 1,
      folder_count: 0,
      revision: 162725,
      owner_name: Clint,
      dropbox_enabled: no,
      flag: 2,
      created_utc: 2015-04-28T21:29:05Z,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 3 (Success with XML - folder_path & details=yes):

   <name>Test 001</name>
   <created>2015-04-28 16:29:05</created>

Example 4 (Success with JSON - folder_path & details=shallow):

   action: folder/get_info,
      folderkey: djwm42qh425ze,
      parent_folderkey: b5brfb1s16fr0,
      name: Test 001,
      description: ,
      created: 2015-04-28 16:29:05,
      privacy: public,
      file_count: 1,
      folder_count: 0,
      byte_count: 2,
      revision: 162725,
      owner_name: Clint,
      dropbox_enabled: no,
      flag: 2,
      created_utc: 2015-04-28T21:29:05Z,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 5 (Success with XML - public folder_key not owned by session user and details=no):

   <created>2014-09-16 15:00:47</created>
   <owner_name>Test 03</owner_name>

Example 6 (Success with JSON - public folder_key not owned by session user and details=yes):

   action: folder/get_info,
      folderkey: jaebr616cg651,
      name: Photos,
      description: ,
      created: 2014-09-16 15:00:47,
      privacy: public,
      file_count: 7,
      folder_count: 0,
      total_files: 7,
      total_folders: 0,
      total_size: 36824767,
      revision: 1177,
      owner_name: Test 03,
      flag: 0,
         value: 2,
         explicit: 1,
         read: 1,
         write: 1,
      created_utc: 2014-09-16T20:00:47Z,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 7 (Success with JSON - public folder_key not owned by session user and session user has edit permissions and details=shallow):

   <created>2014-09-16 15:00:47</created>
   <owner_name>Test 03</owner_name>

Example 8 (Failure with JSON - Error 114 with private folder_key not owned by or shared to session user):

   action: folder/get_info,
   message: Access denied,
   error: 114,
   result: Error,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Get Siblings


Description : Returns a collection of folders that are siblings of the target folder. Only public siblings are returned when the target folder is not owned by the session user.

Required Parameters:

  • none

Relative Parameters:

  • folder_key : The key that identifies the folder to be deleted. You can also specify multiple folderkeys separated by commas. Required if folder_path is not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.
  • session_token : A type 1 or type 2 session token. (Type 2 will require a call signature).
  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • start : Request to return results or a subset of the siblings starting from this number.
  • limit : The maximum results to be returned.
  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
error The numerical error code integer 112, 114, 259
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 yes/no flag
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string

Sibling Folder Responses
Name Description Type Value
folderkey The folderkey string
name The folder name string
description The folder description string
created The date and time the folder was created string timestamp
privacy Indicates the folder's privacy string public/private
file_count The amount of files contained in the folder integer
folder_count The amount of folders contained in the folder integer
revision The folder revision integer
owner_name The folder owner's name string>
avatar The location of the folder's avatar string
dropbox_enabled Indicates if the folder is a FileDrop: 'yes' or 'no' yes/no flag
flag A bit-mask value specifying special details about the folder or file bitmask 1 (File is owned by the session user), 2 (File is supported for preview), 4 (File is editable), 8 (File is virus flagged) [Flags not listed are for internal MediaFire operations and not public use]

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder_path):

   action: folder/get_siblings,
         folderkey: dwr4tgrn9vsd0,
         name: Stay,
         description: ,
         created: 2015-04-29 13:33:53,
         privacy: public,
         file_count: 7,
         folder_count: 1,
         revision: 162730,
         owner_name: Clint,
         dropbox_enabled: no,
         flag: 2,
         created_utc: 2015-04-29T18:33:53Z,
         folderkey: b5brfb1s16fr0,
         name: Test 002,
         description: ,
         created: 2015-05-06 15:09:30,
         privacy: public,
         file_count: 8,
         folder_count: 1,
         revision: 162725,
         owner_name: Clint,
         dropbox_enabled: yes,
         flag: 2,
         created_utc: 2015-05-06T20:09:30Z,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 2 (Success with XML - public folder_key not owned by session user):

      <name>Test 003</name>
      <created>2015-04-08 18:41:49</created>
      <owner_name>Test 03</owner_name>

Example 3 (Failure with JSON - Error 114 with private folder_key not owned by session user):

   action: folder/get_siblings,
   message: Access denied,
   error: 114,
   result: Error,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,



Description : Move one or more user's folders to target destination.

Required Parameters:

Relative Parameters:

  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.
  • folder_key_src : The folderkey source is the folderkey of the desired folder you wish to copy. You can also specify multiple folderkeys separated by commas. folder_path_src is not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path_src.
  • folder_path_src : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key_src is not passed.

Optional Parameters:

  • folder_key_dst : The destination folderkey. If folder_key_dst and folder_path_dst are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used. Takes precedence over folder_path_dst. myfiles may be passed as a moniker for device 0's(cloud) root.
  • folder_path_dst : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. If folder_key_dst and folder_path_dst are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used.
  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
error The numerical error code integer
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
new_device_revision The revision number of the device. Returned only when the revision number has changed. integer
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 yes/no flag
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string

Response when NOT specifying a destination folder which moves your folder to root (MyFiles)
Name Description Type Value
asynchronous Specifies whether the restore is being processed asynchronously. If yes, poll device/get_status to determine when the job is complete flag yes/no
new_names A collection of folders entered that had their names changed to avoid collisions in the destination object
revision The MyFiles revision number (under 'myfiles_revision') integer

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder_path_src and folder_key_dst=myfiles):

   action: folder/move,
   asynchronous: no,
   new_names: ,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,
   new_device_revision: 162749,

Example 2 (Success with JSON - private folder_key_src and public folder_key_dst not owned by session user but having edit permissions):

   action: folder/move,
   asynchronous: no,
   new_names: ,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,
   new_device_revision: 1134,

Example 2 (Failure with XML - Error 114 with folder_key_src and folder_key_dst not owned by session user and lacking edit permissions):

<message>Access denied</message>



Description : Deletes one or more of a session user's folders permanently, along with all contents of the folders, by removing their entries from the database. THIS OPTION CANNOT BE UNDONE.

Required Parameters:

Relative Parameters:

  • folder_key : A comma-separated list of folder keys. Required if folder_path is not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.
  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
asynchronous Specifies whether the restore is being processed asynchronously. If yes, poll device/get_status to determine when the job is complete flag yes/no
error The numerical error code integer 112, 114, 259
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
new_device_revision The revision number of the device. Returned only when the revision number has changed. integer
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 yes/no flag
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder_path):

   action: folder/purge,
   asynchronous: no,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,
   new_device_revision: 162751,

Example 2 (Failure with JSON - Error 114 with folder_key not owned by session user):

   action: folder/purge,
   message: Access denied,
   error: 114,
   result: Error,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,


Notes: The search term must be at least three characters in length.

Description : Searches the the content of a given folder. If folder_key is not passed, then the search will be performed on the root folder ("myfiles"). In this case, the session token will be required. To search the root folder on devices other than the cloud, pass the device_id. If device_id is '-1', then a global search on all devices will be performed.

Required Parameters:

  • search_text : The search keywords to look for in filenames, folder names, and descriptions. The string must be at least 3 characters in length.

Relative Parameters:

  • folder_key : A folder key. Required if session_token and folder_path are not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path. If folder_key and folder_path are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used. myfiles may be passed as a moniker for device 0's(cloud) root.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.
  • session_token : A type 1 or type 2 session token. (Type 2 will require a call signature). Needed only when accessing root folder, private folder, or the folder's private content.
  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • filter : filter by privacy and/or by filetype. This is a comma-separated list of file types and privacy options. Can take one or more of the following values : "public", "private", "image", "video", "audio", "document", "spreadsheet", "presentation", "application", "archive", "data", and "development".
  • device_id : An integer specifying on which user device to look for data. If not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used. If device_id=-1 the search will be performed on all devices.
  • search_all : 'yes' or 'no'. If folder_key is passed, then this parameter is ignored. If folder_key is not passed, search_all can be used to indicate whether to search the root folder only or the entire device (default 'yes').
  • details: "yes", "no", or "shallow" ("no" by default). If "yes", the API returns the total_files, total_folders, and total_size for all the contained folders and files recursively of each folder. However, there is a limit on how many items can be counted. If the limit is reached, an extra property overflow will be returned as well. If "shallow" is specified, the API returns the byte_count of files immediately inside each folder (non-recursive).
  • response_format : 'xml' or 'json' (default 'xml')

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
relevancy Specifies how close, as a percentage, the object matches the search term integer
error The numerical error code integer 128, 259
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 yes/no flag
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string
type The content type string folder, file
quickkey The quickkey of the file found string
filename The file name string
parent_folderkey The parent folder key string
parent_name The parent folder name string
created The date/time the folder or file was created string timestamp
size The size of the file or folder in bytes integer
description The description of the file or folder string
password_protected Indicates if the file or folder is password protected. 'yes' or 'no' [DEPRECATED] yes/no flag
mimetype The mimetype of the file string
filetype The filetype string application, archive, audio, development, data, document, image, presentation, spreadsheet, video
view Specifies if this file is viewable via MediaFire and, if so, by what system integer 0(Not Viewable, 1(PDF2HTMLex), 2(Syntax Highlighting), 3(PHP Excel), 4(AbiWord), 5(PDF2HTMLex with GS PDF Split), 6(PlainText), 7(Image Gallery), 9(JPlayer Audio), 10(JPlayer Audio with Transcode), 11(JPlayer Video), 12(JPlayer Video with Transcode)
edit Specifies if this file can be edited via MediaFire and, if so, by what system integer . 0 [not-editable], 1 [Text Editor], 2 [deprecated].
hash The hash of the file string
flag Details regarding the search results bitmask 1 (File is owned by the session user), 2 (File is supported for preview), 4 (File is editable), 8 (File is virus flagged) [Flags not listed are for internal MediaFire operations and not public use]
folderkey The folderkey string
name The folder or file name string
revision The revision number of the file or folder integer
privacy Indicates the privacy level of the file or folder string private/public
total_folders The number of folder children, recursively, in the folder integer
total_files The number of file children, recursively, in the folder integer
total_size The size of the folder incorporating all child files, recursively integer
byte_count The size of the folder incorporating only immediate child files integer

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder results, folder_key=myfiles and details=yes):

   action: folder/search,
   results_count: 1,
         type: folder,
         folderkey: b5brfb1s16fr0,
         name: Test 002,
         parent_folderkey: myfiles,
         parent_name: myfiles,
         revision: 162725,
         privacy: public,
         total_folders: 1,
         total_files: 9,
         total_size: 96634991,
         relevancy: 100,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 2 (Success with XML - file results, file_path, and search_all=no):

      <filename>Sample - Golden Gate HDR.jpg</filename>
      <parent_name>Test 002</parent_name>
      <created>2015-04-30 19:30:55</created>
      <description>The Golden Gate Bridge in HDR by Andrew Wong</description>

Example 3 (Success with JSON - no results):

   action: folder/search,
   results_count: 0,
   results: ,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,

Example 5 (Failure with XML - Error 128):

<message>Required parameters for this request are missing</message>



Description : Update a folder's information.

Required Parameters:

Relative Parameters:

  • folder_key : A folder key. Required if session_token and folder_path are not passed. Takes precedence over folder_path. If folder_key and folder_path are not passed, device 0's(cloud) root is used. myfiles may be passed as a moniker for device 0's(cloud) root.
  • folder_path : The absolute path to a single folder in the session user's account. Required if folder_key is not passed.
  • signature : Required only for session token version 2. Click here to learn more about building an API call signature.

Optional Parameters:

  • foldername : The name of the folder.
  • description : The description of the folder.
  • privacy : Privacy of the folder ('public' or 'private').
  • privacy_recursive : Whether or not applying 'privacy' to sub-folders - 'yes' or 'no' (default 'no').
  • mtime : The date/time of the update. If not set, the current server time will be used. Refer to the following document for valid date/time formats:

Response Properties

Name Description Type Value
asynchronous Specifies whether the restore is being processed asynchronously. If yes, poll device/get_status to determine when the job is complete flag yes/no
error The numerical error code integer 128, 159, 259
message The error description for the error string
deprecated Indicates this API is deprecated and should no longer be used string
new_device_revision The revision number of the device. Returned only when the revision number has changed. integer
result Indicates if the API call was successful. 'Error' or "Success' string
new_key Indicates a new call signature needs calculated. Applicable only when using Session Token v2 yes/no flag
current_api_version The latest stable API version number string

Error Codes

To view a list of possible error codes for this API, and their descriptions, click here.


Example 1 (Success with JSON - folder_name, folder_key, description, and privacy=public):

   action: folder/update,
   asynchronous: no,
   result: Success,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,
   new_device_revision: 161694,

Example 2 (Success with XML - folder_path & foldername):


Example 3 (Failure with JSON - Error 159):

   action: folder/update,
   message: This folder exists already,
   error: 159,
   result: Error,
   new_key: yes,
   current_api_version: 1.5,